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Taking Notes in Classroom

National curriculum evaluation project

In this project, we helped the NYU Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) explore how culturally responsive three popular elementary ELA curricula are. In the report you will find:


  • The top five findings about cultural responsiveness in the curricula.


  • Frameworks for understanding the nuances between destructive and responsive curricula.


  • Suggestions for everyone who creates and uses curricula.


Join us for two events that breakdown important insights from this report. Event information below!

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Hear about behind-the-scenes insights, lessons learned, and stories from this research project! It's an informal chat, not a talk or presentation.

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Episode #1: Behind the data of the National Curriculum Project

The #BehindtheData series is a labor of love and our commitment to making education equity data, research, and researchers more accessible to a broader audience. Our experiences and commentary are rooted in a critical lens that positions liberation, joy, and good data at the center.


Do you have an education equity or liberatory topic that you'd like us to consider discussing? Email us at


free workshop!

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Let's talk about the frameworks used to analyze evaluators' findings. Join this free community workshop to Learn, Measure, & Practice:




Meaningful Representation

in Curriculum




Dignified & Humane

Tone in Curriculum

Date: Thursday, December 8th | Time: 7pm-8pm EST 

Location: Zoom

Image by Tom Hermans
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