Our story
Transformative Research, LLC is an education research, evaluation, and consulting firm founded and powered by Dr. Leah Q. Peoples (she/her/hers), a cis-hetero Black American woman. Transformative Research focuses on using good data as a catalyst to liberating and equitable educational spaces. Oftentimes, data in research and evaluation can be used in harmful ways that further perpetuate institutional inequities and harm. Good data engages truth-telling, institutional and self discovery, intensive and rigorous study, and experimentation in an effort to aid the complex nature of transformation.​
Good Data: Useful, equity-oriented, critical, transformative and liberating data that can help educators, schools, communities, youth, parents, and the general public advance educational equity individually and within institutions (institution building).
Our Mission: Our mission is to create and co-create good data that can be used to transform educational spaces and institutions in ways that uplift, protect, and nurture the humanity, genius and spirit of BIPOC and other marginalized communities, including youth, adults, educators, organizers, and community members.
Our Name: Transformative Research aka Transformative Research, Evaluation, Education Equity, and Liberation represents the various types of work that we do and our values.
Get to know us
We invite you to get to know us and our work better! Ways that you can get to know us:
Check out our website. If it's your first time here, use the tabs at the top of the website to explore our three areas of work: research, evaluation, and learning.
Read our blog for our latest thoughts and commentary of transformative research, education, news, and new learning.
Explore our social media pages. We're on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube!
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our team
Transformative Research is powered by Leah Q. Peoples, PhD. Dr. Peoples is an experienced researcher, evaluator, educator and collaborator. Click the link to learn more about Dr. Peoples.
We work with a diverse team of consultants and independent researchers to form dynamic equity-oriented teams. Interested in working with us a consultant or independent researcher/evaluator? Please email us at hello@treelcenter.org.