leah q. peoples, phd
pronouns: she/her
Hi, I'm Dr. Leah and I am a researcher, evaluator, collaborator, and educator. All of my work is rooted in creating equity in education, liberation, and institutional transformation!
A Bit About Me
I use transformative and critical approaches to inform my work on evaluation and research projects. My research interests encompass three broad areas: building equity in schools, developing equitable measures for research and evaluation, and program evaluation.
I enjoy a diverse repertoire of quantitative and qualitative skills that best addresses research and evaluation questions in ways that honor, respect, and dignify stakeholders, while creating meaningful and useful knowledge.​
Over the years, I've held several positions, earned degrees, and worked with various communities that all shaped my expertise in research and evaluation. I was the Assistant Director of Research to Practice at NYU Metro Center's research unit where I led and contributed to participatory research and evaluation projects centered around educational equity. I also deepened capacity to connect academic research to have practical implications and translated research for a broader community to use and engage. I served as Research Director at NYU Metro Center's Education Justice, Research, and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) where I led community-based research projects, collaborated with various organizations, schools/districts/DOEs, educators, families, and youth. In that role, I also provided training/professional learning, consulting, and collaborative and strategic partnership.
Over the years, I've lead countless research and evaluation projects that focused on disproportionality, broadening participation to STEM, measuring institutional equity, creating education equity tools, documenting schools journeys towards culturally responsive or equitable education and more.
I am also a new CREA Affiliate (Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment) and active member of the American Evaluation Association. I am the Emeritus Chair (outgoing chair) of the Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation (MIE) Topical Interest Group at AEA.
I earned my PhD in Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Beyond my technical qualifications, one thing that you should know about me, is that I am deeply committed to educational equity, critical research methods that lead to new discoveries about equity, truth telling, and improving all of our practices. Outside of my professional work, I enjoy travel and experiencing other cultures, adventures with certain and uncertain endings, reading, dancing, spending time with my dog, and so much more.
I believe in running an equitable anti-racist research, evaluation, and consulting firm. I believe in being accessible and collaborative. And I also believe in rest and in practicing self and community care.
Thank you for visiting my digital home and allowing me to introduce myself.

Culturally Responsive EDUCATION
Translating Theory
to Practice
Institutional Transformation
Equitable educational experiences for black and brown children
Culturally Responsive EVALUATION
Developing equitable tools and measures
Community-based Research