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Two Day Training: Facilitating Culturally Responsive Curriculum Evaluations
Two Day Training: Facilitating Culturally Responsive Curriculum Evaluations

Tue, Nov 09


Interactive & Engaging Zoom Webinar

Two Day Training: Facilitating Culturally Responsive Curriculum Evaluations

Join us for an in-depth two-day training to learn how to facilitate culturally responsive curriculum evaluations with your schools, districts, and community organizations. Learn to build and create powerful evaluation teams that include youth, educators, administrators, and parents/families.

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Time & Location

Nov 09, 2021, 6:00 PM EST – Dec 11, 2021, 10:00 PM EST

Interactive & Engaging Zoom Webinar

About the event

Purchase your tickets on EventBrite using this link:

Using, Facilitating, & Training Others to Use the Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard to Evaluate Curriculum [Train the Trainer] About this event

Transformative Research and NYU's Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) is collaborating to offer this new training for culturally responsive curriculum.

Join us for an interactive and transformative professional learning experience that will prepare you to use, facilitate, and train others to use the Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Curriculum Scorecards (the English Language edition and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math edition). You will learn:

  • How to work collaboratively across families, communities, youth, and educators
  • How to train others in your school/district/community to facilitate Scoring Parties (curriculum evaluation sessions)
  • How to critically and meaningfully evaluate curriculum using the Scorecards
  • How to strategically plan your next steps after the evaluation is complete and implement that plan.

If you would like a refresher on CRSE, please register for the FOUNDATIONS OF CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE & SUSTAINING EDUCATION class. If you’re in the early stages of your journey toward educational equity using a critical lens like CRSE, the FOUNDATIONS class is a better first step for you, instead of the train the trainer workshop.

This two-day workshop will teach you how to lead your K-12 school/local community in a CRSE Curriculum Scorecard Party. You will learn the curriculum scoring process, anti-racist facilitation techniques and how to move forward with a culturally responsive scoring of your English Language Arts, Math, Science or other STEAM curriculum. This workshop is for those who are brand new to the CRSE Scorecard, or those who have used it in the past but would like to expand their skills and confidence using it. This is a two-part series: to learn how to use and facilitate the scoring process, you must participate in BOTH the December 4th and the December 11th workshops. See the sliding scale to determine your fee.

You are encouraged to sign up with at least one other person from your school, district or organization; however, individuals are also welcome to attend.

Format: Two 4 hour Interactive Workshops on Zoom. After you purchase your ticket, a zoom link will be sent to you.


Transformative Research and NYU Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) is committed to ensuring that our workshops are accessible! We understand that many people come to education justice work without support or with little support. We also have worked with amazing organizations that value and budget to ensure that professional learning, diversity, equity, and inclusion happens at their schools, districts, and communities.

Registration by Date: You can get access to an early registration discount, if you register by October 31st. After October 31st, the Train the Trainer will be listed at regular price.

Registration Categories: You may register as an individual WITHOUT institutional support or as an individual or group WITH institutional support. If your school or organization is paying for the course, please register for the fee WITH institutional support. If you are paying for yourself, you may register for the fee WITHOUT institutional support.

Registration by Resource Level: If you or your institution is able to pay full price, please do. Your fees sustain our work to create tools like the Curriculum Scorecard. If you are unable to pay full price but can still contribute, please pay at the Solidarity level. And if you are part of a Black, Indigenous or People of Color led grassroots organization, you are welcome to join for free. Please note that to ensure the sustainability of the event, there are a limited number of seats at solidarity pricing.


  • 3 hours

    Revisiting the Foundations of CRSE & Curriculum (separate registration required)

  • 4 hours

    Day 1 of Training

1 more item available

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